24 Feb 2012

Women in Tech - TechHub's Elizabeth Varley

The world of tech and entrepreneurship is an area over populated by the male of the species. Since starting this technology blog it has become even more apparent that tech is seen as a man's world. So in this new feature I wanted to put the spotlight on women making waves in the technology and internet arena.

Who better to kick off the series than TechHub co-founder & CEO Elizabeth Varley.

TechHub is an organisation that offers low price wifi, meeting rooms and holds events for budding tech entrepreneurs. The company was formed in July of 2010. It offers more than just space to work, it offers members the chance to meet and network with other entrepreneurs in the same boat. TechHub is situated bang in the middle of London's thriving tech community with offices based in Old Street.

Elizabeth's unique skills and passion for the tech community have also caught the eye of those at no.10. She is assisting 10 Downing Street with its plans to build a tech city (much like America's Silicon Valley) in East London. Elizabeth's passion and desire to help UK tech start-ups sets her apart from her male counterparts and it is easy to see why No.10 were keen to get her on board. This tech minded entrepreneur is one to watch and TechHub is an amazing resource for budding tech entrepreneurs.


  1. Liz is amazing, we met years ago networking and she goes from strength to strength x

  2. Great post! I work in IT in a technical role and is completely male dominated, I wish more women would consider a career/business in IT! I love it!
